Chapter 2: The Omens


In the deep part of the galaxy there was a hidden and remote station known as the The Omens. The Omens was an old abandoned station that had been converted into one of the galaxies most well known bars. Those who dared to venture to The Omens, knew they were assuming great risks when they traveled beyond the border of the safe zone. This was where the problems of the North and South were forgotten behind a cool glass of Gin. The Omens was one of Sasha’s favorite places for a drink that was strong when the glass of wine wouldn’t subdue her worried and occupied mind.

Sasha parked her fleet in the loading dock. Two of her trusted officers, Erfan and Overlord followed suit closely behind her. Each of them exited their ships in succinct and organized formation that TDZ was well known for.


Sashas cloak dropped gracefully to the floor as her hood partially cov­­­ered her face. TDZ had always retained the most undeniably beautiful crafted clothing from the finest tailors in CVR. As they expanded their empires – the materials continue to enhance with the finest sheer reflective metals. The cloaks featured hi tech properties which allowed the soldiers of TDZ to camouflage with their surroundings. She turned to her two eager mates, then checked her wrist band for the time.

 “Remember that the normal rules don’t apply here. Be cautious and keep your eye out”.

“You got it Fish,” Erfan said in a coy tone as he pulled Overlord in with his arm around his shoulder. The three walked in a V formation down the dark corridors. As they walked out of the loading docks, Sasha observed the fleets that were currently parked. She had always made a note to be as observant as possible and she could see that some of the galaxies biggest and heaviest hitters were here tonight.

Their footsteps started to near loud music which signified to them they were close the entrance. The Omens had a speakeasy like entrance which was tucked in the core of the station and only accessible by those who knew the secret entrance. The station door opened. Sasha slowly dropped her hood as she strolled straight towards the bar. Her men followed but were distracted by the live entertainment. The Omens was famous for its exquisite entertainment and adult shows.


“Malsi should be here soon guys. First drink is on me”. She smiled as the two brotherly nodded their heads eager as they stretched out their palm for a cold shot.

Sasha slammed her hands on the bar top and hollered over the music to the wave over for the bartender’s attention.

“Yo Spunky…SPUNKY!”

The bartender had been caught in an overly aggressive conversation with one of his patrons. Spunkynut was an unusual combination of aggression and friendliness. A composed punk space gangster who conjured many theories and wasn’t afraid to share them. He wasn’t the tallest or biggest guy but if anyone could fill the room with their size in noise, it was him. Besides, Spunky always had a group of regulators with him, a well-known space gang that helped run and operate his array of businesses much like a cartel. He owned a chain of real estate with hotels, bars and other entertainment venues where he held underground gamboling rings and fights. 

Most of the businesses were fueled by the capital he made in The Omens, so it was a particularly important venue for him. He had always ensured to save funds for a rainy day in case he needed to hire help. But for the most part, his Regulators could handle themselves. Sasha met him long ago in her travels where she found him debating every guy in the room on how he would be creating the newest fusion reactors for a trap system that would soon make gravity traps obsolete. She could hear him as though it was yesterday. “A THING OF THE PAST! You will see! I know it! The traps in place, there is MORE to them that meets the eye!” His entrepreneurial spirit and rambunctious persona had always reminded her of her zealous and outspoken ways in her lost forgotten galaxy of 167.

Spunkynut wasn’t afraid to scream in defiance to all the largest guys in the room when he was passionate, and it was something Sasha had always admired. Anyone who would always take the opposing side of any debate and argue for hours to prove his point, was someone she could gel with. Not only did Spunky serve the best cocktails in the galaxy, he was also known for the fine herb he supplied eager patrons when the average shot or two just wouldn’t cut it.

“Spunky…” A deep voice emerged from the hooded and masked individual to the right of Sasha at the bar. His uniquely engraved metal glove picked up a totem that appeared to be a coin and flicked it with a twist right into the back of Spunkynuts head. Erfan and Overlord burst out laughing as Sasha partially smiled while she fervently studied the glove from this mysterious individuals’ hand.

Spunkynut turned around in the utmost rage and exclaimed, “WHO THE FUCK JUST THREW THIS AT ME?!”


“Get the lady and her boys a drink…”  The mysterious figure slightly turned to her and lowly nodded his head without revealing his face. “She looks like she’s had a hard day”. He clutched the beverage in his hand. The condensation dripped down his bottle on the table leaving a small wet ring as he lifted it slowly. He then swiftly finished the remainder of his beer. “I could also use another beer with a shot this time”

With a look of horror, Spunkynut waved his index figure to the current guest that he had been arguing with as though to pause his current discussion and hastily ran over to the edge of where Sasha stood.

“Darth fucking PIZZLE, I ought to have my regulators take your ass and blast you off into no man’s land! if you EVER throw a god damn coin at me again, I will blast your legs off with all the might of….”

“Spunky – 3 shots of your finest tequila,” Sasha interrupted. “1/8 of ajang…and a shot for my friend at the bar”. Spunky’s intense mood suddenly melted into a look of enthusiasm.

“Ahhhhhh Sasha, how nice of you to join us. Ohh how we do love your visits” Spunky reached for 5 glasses and poured 5 shots of silver tequila. “Tell me, how are your friends in the North doing??” Spunky inquired as he reached under the bar table for a fine green herb known in the galaxy as Ajang. He grabbed a grinder and placed it firmly on the bar top. Sasha swiped her wrist for payment then grabbed 4 of the shots and passed them around. Erfan and Overlord gave each other a cheers as she held up her glass sturdy in the palm of her hand. She slid down the fourth to this DarthPizzle who she had heard many stories of but never met.

“For you” She smiled genuinely as his engraved metal glove pulled the shot in closer. “Cheers, to comradery, debauchery and everything in between” She said as she tilted her head to get a closer look at Darth’s face. “Spunky??” She called out with her glass in the air.

“One second FISH! This is some of the best Ajang you have ever seen. Its extra sticky. Nothing but the finest for you my dear. The finest right?” Spunky raised his glass and clinked his glass with Fish and Darth, drank his well-deserved shot, completely ignoring Pizzles request for beer, then returned to the previous customer to continue his interrupted debate.

She gracefully grabbed the bowl that Spunky had prepared. She turned to Erfan and Overlord to dismiss them of their watchful duties. She turned around as the two dissipated into the crowd to dance and gamble and enjoy themselves. With the bowl still in her fingers, she saw a notification in her temporal glass. She put her right fore finger on the side of glass to see a message from Malsi.


“Hey Sasha… can’t make it tonight. With Kotori to discuss some territory plans. Love you sestra”.

She could not hide the contempt in her face. Sasha grabbed the bowl and inhaled deeply. A sheer feeling of euphoria overtook her senses for a brief moment where she felt her mind was suddenly clear. But the look of sadness could not be covered, regardless of how incredible the feeling of Ajang was.

“So…do you want another?” Darth said in a soothing and inquisitive tone.

“If you’re buying” She looked forward with a subtle distaste for the fact that Malsi had stood her up again. She was tired of being sidelined without any explanation as to why.

He pressed a button on his wrist and his mask compressed off revealing an inviting face that had a distinctly cunning grin and big green eyes. He was clean shaven with a rough face and buzzed hair which felt overly formal for the men who she had encountered in this bar.

“The name is Darth. Darth Pizzle” His engraved glove reached outright to her in a friendly manner which had surprised her.

“I am EpicFish of TDZ” Realizing she replied a little too forcefully.

“Well…Spunky owes me a favor…” Darth stood up from his seat to reveal his tall and sturdy posture. Most could and would easily feel intimidated by the sheer size he held. He hunched over the bar and grabbed a bottle underneath the bar stool.

He proceeded to pour both Sasha and himself another drink. They shot back a few row after row. Neither caring or remitting to the limitations of the northern federation or the southern coalition. She noticed a tattoo on his neck.

“Are you…a part of the Necron?” She inquired incredulously.

“Yea, we uhh. Look the South, its different from what you think and what you been told.” He looked at her with such confidence. His green eyes pierced into her with a sincere honesty.

She awkwardly broke eye contact and checked her wrist for time and saw that she had overstayed her welcome. She received a plethora of messages from Razbot regarding her upcoming weekly meetings.

Fucking meetings… she thought to herself as she pondered the countless questions and problems that she would be managing as soon as she got back home.

She reached out to shake Darth’s hand, but she could feel a sense of calamity. She could feel the peril in her heart. “Somethings wrong.” She said out loud without realizing.

DarthPizzle looked at her as he furrowed his brow with grave concern.

“What’s going on? Do you need help?” He asked as he started scouting the room.

 She turned to look around for her men. She saw Erfan, relaxed in the calm composure he always held smoking a cigarette with two women on each side of him. She continued scanning the room for Overlord and finally saw him. They locked in eye contact, but his eyes began running to the back of his head and he started to seize uncontrollably. She jumped over the table and ran to him. Without hesitation, DarthPizzle simultaneously ran to help. Sasha kneeled down grasping on each side of his shoulders to calculate the damage. As though her mind began to move in slow motion, she looked to her right where Darth was. Suddenly a massive explosion erupted that sent shockwaves throughout the entire space station. The debris and rubble delicately fell as everyone slowly rose to assess the damage.

Sasha slowly rose holding her dizzy head. She could barely think over Spunky’s yelling to command his regulators. She blinked her eyes a few times then saw Overlord3 not moving. She half crawled over to him and said his name in a panicked tone. “Overlord3!? Overlord3??!! You’re going to be okay. I’m here.” She pressed her wrist then spoke into her command channel. “Razbot, we have a CODE 42, critical condition. I need you to assess the damage and run a sector C scan on Overlords fleets. Coordinates are being bookmarked and sent to you now. I repeat we have a CODE 42”.


Yes Sasha, scanning now.

Sasha grabbed Overlords hand and kept repeating to him that he was going to be ok. A light murmur escaped his mouth, but she couldn’t understand so she brought her ear closer. As soon as she heard Overlord3 utter the word her eyes grew enraged. She bolted up to look out the space window and could recognize the fleets leaving The Omens. She had seen this galactic cowboy before. She took a snap shot with her eye glass and zoomed in.

“Razbot, I am sending you a shot of the culprit now. Tr0n is a fucking dead man.”