She did not know how long it had been since she was sick – but she would soon die. She feared for her men’s safety. Intoccible couldn’t bare the thought of her teams imminent destruction. She awaited in the great grand hall or their originating planet. She recalled the discussion with Warfish had not gone as she planned. She remembered how hostile Warfish was and the intensity in which she spoke. It was overwhelming.

Warfish had walked in the room the night before where she currently stood. They exchanged glances.

“You drink?” Warfish said in an aggressive tone.

“I cannot drink the sulfates…” Intoccible could tell she and Warfish were complete opposites.

“Well I am sorry, but we aren’t going to put up with a council. We operate the way we operate because its effective..” Warfish turned her head to the left and spit, then proceeded to grab herself a beer.

“I protect my men at all costs! You should value their opinions. They must be heard!”

Just then Warfish stood up in defiance. “We don’t need to do anything. I’ve heard enough. You either merge our way, or no way. Its nonnegotiable.”

Intoccible stared out the window waiting for her council of officers to arrive so she could bare the bad news. Her heart was failing, and she had to make the transition soon.

J-L Picard, Bruteforce, Vixenblood and Syndrome walked in the room. A few more officers were to arrive but she began her speech in that ever sweet voice.

“Its with great sorrow that I must announce my passing in this lifetime. I have been ill for a long time. I have spoken to FU leadership. I believe Yesman is a great leader and will help our wonderful team to move forward in the future. I don’t have much time left. But I ask that you please remain together. Work together and keep each other safe. This team is not like ours. But we can still have the fruitful relationship we hoped to achieve from the beginning…” She started to get dizzy.

Bruteforce walked forward to help her stand.

She looked at him and told him to finish her. He put his head to hers and they closed their eyes. He whispered to her closely, “…we will never forget”. The rest of the officers walked in the room and stood in formation as they saluted her. Bruteforce looked at Vixenblood who nodded his head with a solemn face.

Bruteforce took out a small laser blade and forced it into her. He gently lay her down and they all surrounded her as they placed a $IN flag over her body.

Later that day she was placed into a canoe and on the great lake of their home planet. They set it on fire and pushed it out on the water.

Vixenblood sat alone as he drank a beer. He saw an incoming message from CONQUEROR.

“Hey man, are you okay?” Bruteforce walked over.

“Yea…I am not sure how the merge is going to go. But I am with FU. I believe in them” He said as he turned to look at Bruteforce with concerned eyes.

They watched the sunset as Intoccibles canoe rode off into the distance in flames. They were unsure what to expect but they knew they had to remain strong.

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