Shadowjack rushed to the officer’s commons and sat across from Warfish. He had slept through Adrianas wakeup call and arrived to the meeting out of breath. He saw all the original FU officers sitting down but Yesman had not arrived yet. There was a tray of sandwiches on the edge of the table that had not been distributed. Warfish was sitting relaxed in her chair leaned back with her feet on the table and hands behind her head.

“You out of breath old man?” She chuckled.

“Well you’ve really done it now haven’t you?” Shadow stared her down as she sat up partially startled. “Reikhardt, what’s going on in the secondary sector of FU?”

“Well…I must admit, Shadow you are right. I haven’t heard anything about these attacks made from Fish.. But its certainly causing me a headache. Already we have a few bases that have been raided…” He paused and looked at CONQ.

CONQUORER looked intensely serious as his eyes were closed. His elbows were placed on the table and forehead held up by two clenched fists. It was though at any moment he could snap.

Warfish grew defensive. “Are you fucking kidding me!? This is ridiculous! You guys are buying into this bullshit media! WE AGREED that BU was an irrelevant alliance! I can’t believe you guys right now!”

 CONQUORER stood up and punched the wall.

 “Warfish! Just fucking listen to us! I get that you are bored…but YOU are unraveling everything we have worked so hard to build! Do you even care??”. It was a rare occasion when CONQ lost his temper.

Everyone paused in silence. She frowned and stood up from the table calmly. Trying to swallow the knot in her throat as she looked at the officers intently.

“This is a mistake. You’re making a mistake. I’m just trying to help.” She turned to walk away out of the officer’s commons but Shadowjack let out a comment that made her stop in her tracks.

“Oh yea? You want to help, maybe you go make us some new Sandwiches?”  Shadow turned to Reikhardt to understand the damages done to the secondary sector of FU.

She inhaled deeply and closed her eyes as she clenched her fists.

“You want a sandwich?” Her voice trembled with rage. “I’LL GIVE YOU A FUCKING SANDWICH!” She twisted her body as she lifted her left leg high up in the air and slammed the back of her heal down into the edge of the tray from the table. The force of her heal sent the sandwiches and tray into the air as she simultaneously moved her left palm forward activating a gravitational pulsar. A pulsar shockwave from her palm shoots the tray and sandwiches straight into Shadowjacks face.

The officers stare at Warfish then back at Shadowjack. This wasn’t the first brawl they had encountered. Ender slowly rose from the table and quietly exited as Shadowjack wiped the mayonnaise off his face.


He quickly pulled out a gun and shot a beam at her. She quickly dodged the blast by doing a side somersault. He stood up from the table and cracked his neck then shot again.


 She rolled forward again dodging the second blast then did a side step but he had aggressively moved forward and caught her by the waist and slammed her into the wall and held her by her neck. She brought up her right elbow over his and forced it down placing a great deal of pressure down on his forearm which caused him to release her neck and drop her to the floor. She spun up her right foot and kicked him the face then used the wall to flip over side his back grabbing the forearm with both hands and flipping him to the floor on his back.

“I thought you liked white sauce in your face OLD MAN!” She pulled a thin sword made a of brilliant metallic laser from behind her back. She proceeded to slam the sword towards his face, but he rolled twice to the side then did a backward somersault and threw his body up to his feet. Her laser blade slashed into the station floor. She tried to pull it out but as she looked up, she saw him standing across from her smirking unusually. She tilted her head confused as he slammed his foot down into the station floor. A gravitational force sent her body to float in the air. He held her stagnant for a brief moment.

Her face was a perfect mix of confusion and intrigue.

“Who are you calling old?”

He lifted his right hand which shot her body into the ceiling then he motioned his arm to the right which sent her flying into the wall. She fell to the floor holding her ribs then began to crawl to her knees to catch her breath. Her body was hunched over as he moved forward and towered over her. She brought her right arm up as her hand shook.

He looked down then brought his hand to help her up but she began to laugh and suddenly whipped out metal chain link made of the same metallic laser. With a flick of her wrist, she shot the chain up, wrapping it around his neck. She yanked it backwards forcing him to the ground as she stood up.


On all fours, he burst out laughing. He reached the chain with laser repellent gloves and pulled her down while simultaneously pinning her to the floor with his knee. They both grabbed their wrist guard and pointed a laser in each others face in a stand-off.

The doors of the officers commons opened abruptly. Yesman cleared his throat as Ender stood behind him.

The two dispersed to their chairs.

“We are having a vote to end this nonsense. Please raise your hand if you want to continue the war”.

Warfish raised her hand while grimacing at Shadowjack.

“All in favor of making peace with BU?” Yesman looked around the room carefully. “Almost unanimous”, then smirked at Warfish.

“Fine… you never let me have any fun.” Warfish and Shadow began to leave the room. Yesman could hear the echos of her asking Shadowjack about the latest gravitational toy he had built.

All the officers left the room. Yesman sat down. He understood the craving for peace but he could understand the motivations of Warfish.

He opened a tablet and began to play a song. He leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes.


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