The ominous tone of the transmission filled Ragefish with concern. She had been in her quarters most of the day. She couldn’t help but mentally relive an argument she had with Leatherface recently. She stared off as she recalled the flashback.

“Leather…I’m just saying… you don’t always need to react so emotionally..” Ragefish had tried to reason with him.

“Fish! Do you understand how offended I am right now!” They had been sitting in their officers’ chambers at their round table. He stood up and went to open the box that held a bottle of redrum. Ragefish stood up grabbed a knife from a harness on her leg and shot the knife straight into the box forcing the lid closed.

“WHAT THE FUCK RAGEFISH! I will fucking leave the team! Don’t YOU fucking provoke me right now.” Leatherface turned to her like an addict who had just been cut off his supply.

“You’ve had enough.. we are to preserve the redrum for war time. Right now, I need your head mentally clear. Your emotions are so unbelievable at this point. You’re like a chick I used to date. I checked the LAB times. You’ve been logging in for hours on end. I think you are sleep deprived.. I’m considering reducing your time there.” Ragefish and Leatherface locked into a staring contest. He looked so intently into her eyes that she began to question his sanity as an officer. He suddenly calmed down in efforts to preserve his time so he would not have to minimize the time he spent conducting his experiments. His personality shifted back to an intensely calm state.

“Yes Ragefish. I’m only looking out for the best interest of the team. I’m concerned about OG and the way they treat you. But I will honor what you say. I only ask you don’t reduce my time in the LAB. I’m working on a time sensitive project…”

Ragefish snapped back to reality as she saw BravoCastle’s message. She knew what they were going to be talking about. It had been more than once now that Leatherface questioned her authority and responded in a volatile fashion. Turning his aggression towards his own team was a new low.

Ragefish got on the intercom to all DEAD MEN stations.

*”I need all officers to meet in our officer chambers for a lunch meeting. We will be congratulating our newest officer, Rahk, who is being promoted for his exemplary teamwork and efforts”.*

All the officers entered the room with the round table filled with champagne glasses and fine a bottle. Leatherface casually strolled in half geared up for war and still partially buzzed from earlier but much calmer. Once all officers entered, she began to address the room as she stood before them.

“Congratulations to our newest officer. Rahk…” Ragefish picked up her glass and motioned everyone to follow suit as she continued, “…for your great efforts to build our glorious team. We want to honor you as one of our own and say thank you. We are proud that you are now an officially ranked officer of the DEAD MEN. Cheers to you!” Everyone brought their glass to the sky (all… but Leatherface) and took a sip of champagne. She ignored Leatherface’s clear disregard for their toast. “Do you have anything you would like to say on your big day?” Ragefish sat down and leaned back in her chair attempting to remain calm.

“Well… I would like to say thank you Ragefish. And cheers to you. You have built quite the team here. After the destruction of LEF, we were not sure if our men would be welcome here. We had a long journey…but we are grateful that you welcomed us into your home. I knew it wouldn’t be easy to earn your trust, but through time and dedication – I hoped you would see the promise of peace we offer. I am proud to be an officer of the DEAD MEN and I am proud to be…”

Leatherface snorted atrociously in disgust at the speech. All officers starred awkwardly in silence. Ragefish turned to him with an aghast expression on her face she could not conceal.

“Is there something you would like to say Leatherface?” Ragefish could feel her nerves bubbling up from the consistent arguments and petty drama Leatherface always seemed to be wrapped up in. She clenched her teeth and fists. She was usually prone to taming her emotions but every now and then – a certain crazy would veer its ugly head. Leatherface sat there in silence as began to breathe heavily. She couldn’t take it any longer. She aggressively stood up.

“…because by all means, you can FUCKING say it!” Her eyes became vexed. She was losing her temper. Leatherface looked at her with such envy. He despised how they had taken in refugees from LEF after the war. He had grown undeniably paranoid that their allies would launch an attack on them.

“There is nothing to say Ragefish… I am allowed to have my OWN thoughts and opinions. NOT everyone needs to agree with the likes of YOU….YOU are just creating a room FILLED with people who agree with everything you say. If you want to silence me… that I can LEAVE. I can LEAVE YOU ALL!! But just remember who has been there for this team in EVERY occasion!”  Leatherface sat back quite casually for someone who was unnecessarily stirring the pot. Ragefish began to slowly (and mockingly) clap her hands together.

“Brilliant speech! Everyone! We give a toast to Leatherface….” Ragefish grabbed the bottle of champagne then threw it against the wall, “…a fucking toast to the most fucking emotional, dramatic, and self-absorbed officer…I have EVER WITNESSED!!!!” Ragefish began to laugh manically. “… I mean how dumb are all of us, to sit here and make any decisions. We should all vote to put Leather in charge. All in favor of Leatherface being voted as the leader of DM say redrum!”

The silence was deafening…

Ragefish attempted to compose herself. “Leatherface, if you aren’t going to congratulate our newest officer because you’re on your fucking period, then you can get the fuck out of our GOD DAMN MOTHER FUCKING OFFICE!!!!” Ragefish stopped to catch her breath as her heavy chest moved up and down. She was aware her outburst would be fraught with consequence.

Leatherface stood up from the table and began to walk towards the door. Ragefish let one last comment before he had made his exit. But in this comment, she held her composure.

“…oh and one more thing Leather… you’re banned from the lab. Lars, please disactivate Leatherface’s security clearance for the LAB”. Their station AI, Lars responded,

“Removing security clearance of the LAB for officer Leatherface”.

Leatherface couldn’t withhold the horror on his face. He turned around melodramatically, “Ragefish! Please! No! I NEED to be able to access the lab! I need to! I have studies! I have experiments! Please! I need this!!!!” Leatherface fell to his knees begging for high clearance access to their station laboratory.

Ragefish held her ground. She looked at him squinted her eyes and then looked away, “You’re banned until you can figure out how to be a better part of this team”.

Leatherface desperately looked at Ragefish…and in this moment she began to utterly pity him.