Ragefish quickly rushed to the LAB to meet with Yepman. She could tell that Leatherface had be dabbling in some dangerous experiments and he had been investigating the suspicious activity. She began to type a message to Redrum.

*Redrum…Yepman found some anomalies in the LAB. We need to keep it private… I’ll report back in 2 hours.*

She was about to send her message out but hesitated right before she sent her drafted transmission.

*Yepman isn’t one to keep things private. Maybe there’s a breech…*

She bit her lip as she contemplated at least giving Redrum a heads up as to what was happening. She saved her message to drafts.

“Lars…can you postpone my meeting with the officers.. I’m going to the LAB for a few hours”. Lars sent a transmission to the officers to delay their meeting as she approached the LAB door. She input her code on a keypad and the door slid open. She looked around the front LAB stations which were empty. She turned on the lights and began to walk around the empty tables. She approached the latest work of Leatherface to inspect it. Beakers and test tubes of countless chemicals were spread everywhere. She walked towards the computer nearby and called out to Yepman. She paused as she glanced at a screen that had caught her eye. She began to scroll down as she skimmed a recently logged report. Her eyes grew wide.

*Is this what Yepman had discovered about Leatherface’s latest project?*

She heard a slight groan and looked up from the glowing computer screen.

“Yepman? Are you there?” She continued to walk to the back of the station LAB. She turned the corner as she approached the glass door. Yepman had slightly moved his head (still disoriented) as he sat there with his arms tied behind him to the metal pole. He looked up and shook his head but Ragefish had already unlocked the door and rushed inside to his aid.

“What the fuck is going on!!! Are you okay? Who did this!” Ragefish began to untie his arms when the door behind her slammed shut. She turned around to see the glass door shut and locked behind her while Leatherface stood there smiling.

“Leatherface!! IS THAT YOU!!!?” Ragefish began to bang on the glass door frantically. “LET US OUT!!! FUCKING LET US OUT! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM! LEATHER!!!!!!!!” Ragefish had not panicked like this since her first arrival days.  A voice responded in the tone of Leatherface.. but it was slightly different and eerily familiar.

“I am not Leatherface. I am Furlingus and I come from another galaxy. Warfish…it’s time to go home.” Ragefish just stared at him in awe. Yepman began to slowly fade back into consciousness.

“Fish…” Ragefish turned her attention to Yepman.

“What the FUCK did you do to him! LET US THE FUCK OUT!!!” Ragefish began to surrender to her rage. She brought up her wrist guard and began to message Lars. But for some reason her message transmissions were blocked. She looked at Leatherface…or Furlingus…whoever the fuck he was. He looked at her calmly as he grabbed another bottle of bluerum and drank it.

“Its not real fish. This isn’t real.” He stared at her motionless, expressionless through the glass door. The words echoed in her mind.

*It’s not real. This isn’t real. This can’t be real. It’s not real...*

She began to scream to the top of her lungs as she banged on the glass cage. Finally, she fell to floor next to Yepman and put her hands over her ears. She began to repeat it over and over outloud.

“Its not real. Its not real. This isn’t real. Its not real. Its not real”.

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