In Rust We Trust

The beat-up slasher entered the main stations ship hanger in Jita where the main citadel was located. Alex had an anxious look on her face. She was nervous to see how the other MODS would handle her tardiness. She saw a familiar face as she hopped out and began to rush to clean and deactivate her ship.

“Uhhh.. you know you could be doing a lot better if you just used a cruiser. Also, something…a little less…rusty?”. Muphet stood there, his eyebrow raised as he combed his luscious, shoulder length hair away from his face. He had just finalized the cleaning of his ship and was preparing to head towards the MODS quarters. And as if he couldn’t help but slide in an additional remark - he coyly added, “You’re going to be late to the meeting”.

Muphet was an intellectual and predictable man who mostly kept to himself. He wasn’t tall nor short, fat nor slender. And while mostly a “risk averse” pilot who tended to avoid obvious conflict, he would at times agree with the pack in terms of decisions, never really holding a forceful opinion of his own. And since the other MODS had seemed to oppose Alex because of her lack of veteran knowledge – he would at times, treat her as an outcast. Alex looked up with a combination of annoyance and concern on her face. She was working as fast as humanly possible. Forcing a smile, she nodded at him and continued to rush. She made her necessary repairs and stripped her fittings.


30 minutes had passed, and she finally finished. As she was leaving, she quickly stopped to inspect Muphet’s ship fixated on the comment about her Slasher. *Those Amarrian’s do have really nice ships though* she thought to herself as she exited the ship hanger and began to rush down the station halls. She pressed her wrist comms to activate her CreoDrone.

“Philip, debrief me!”

Hello Alex, this meeting is to discuss the termination of a fellow capsuleer who is in cryosleep. The NetEasians have been made aware of your concerns and MODS are being brought together to avoid any potential abuse of power.

“Philip – okay and do we have any emotional read on the MODS? As it stands, they already don’t really like me…”

I can see no clear sign of irritation or aggression, however I have noticed an elevated heart rate in both Sovereign and Nina once they sat next to each other.

“What the fuck does that have to…okay never mind Philip… I just need to make sure I come to the meeting and put my best foot forward. I don’t think the other MODS like me very much.” Her anxiety was growing more noticeable by the second. “How can anyone trust someone who is all over the place?”

Philip paused for a moment as the CreoDrone analyzed the complexity of what the nervous pilot was saying. The CreoDrones glowing orb began to vibrantly shine orange as it responded.

Well, remember Alex, trust is earned through time, and friendship is forged through tests.


She arrived at the stations doorway and paused. She inhaled deeply as she closed her eyes, preparing herself for the verbal lashing she was sure to encounter. Her hand, trembling once again as it had when she was facing the dangerous elite pirates in nullsec, pressed the button to open the heavy metal door.

The door opened to reveal Kelbec standing with excellent posture at the roundtable, while the rest of the MODS sat cavalierly listening to his monologue.

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