All officers of FU were waiting in the council room for their guests to arrive. The leadership of $IN were to be arriving as welcomed guests. They would hold a preliminary meeting to discuss how they would divide their armed forces and begin their U5E take over. They officers of FU were an eclectic bunch with many strong personalities. The station door opened and all the FU officers arose.

“There is the man of the hour” Cerberus said heartily with a wide smile on his face as he saluted his leader. The rest of the officers followed suit and saluted him then sat back down.

Yesman silently responded with a grin and sat next to them. Yesman didn’t believe in segregating himself from his officers with bigger fancier chairs or royal crowns. He liked to be a part of them which was what earned him the utmost respect of the team. He never asked his men to do anything he wouldn’t personally do himself.

Reikhardt, the vice leader of FU turned to Yesman and said in a thick British accent, “BU might be joining us. But I must admit, they aren’t exactly my cup of tea…”

“I know, CONQUEROR and I have been dealing with their ‘leader’, BkUd”. Yesman replied gesturing quotes as he said leader. “Do you know where CONQ…”

Just then CONQUEROR rushed in the door. He looked like he hadn’t slept in weeks and was a bit mentally occupied. He announced that the $IN leadership had just pulled into their loading docks.

“Everyone, please rise as we greet our guests” CONQUEROR said in a hurried tone mildly out of breath as though he ran from one side of the station to the next.

Everyone rose as the $IN council walked in following Inctoccible, their poised political figure head. She was an eloquent, well-spoken and highly educated leader who had an extensive background in political negotiations. Yesman found her quite agreeable to talk with from their previous transmissions.

Each of them sat down and she began to speak in a calm serene voice that melted the room. A sultry voice that made all the men (and even Fish) lean in with anticipation.

“Hello gentlemen and my fellow lady, we have arranged our $IN council and FU to meet on behalf of a territorial negotiation to discuss the division of U5E. First and foremost, I would like to thank our generous hosts for…”

“Is it too soon to be divvying up land when we haven’t even killed the guys in U5E? I mean shouldn’t we at least kill them and then talk about how…” A loud obnoxious voice from behind the officers interrupted Intoccibles heartwarming introduction but began to trail off. Shadowjack’s face of curiosity suddenly turned shameful as he realized he had just spoken out of turn.

The room filled with awkward silence and Warfish turned to him with a big grin on her face.

“REALLY BRO? Are you so in love with your voice that you can’t let this fine lady speak for 1 god damn minute without interrupting?” Shadowjack and Warfish always had an unspoken witty banter they shared back and forth.

His shame quickly turned defensive.

“Well you look prettier with your mouth shut sweetheart”. He retorted.

Just as Warfish was about to reply she caught Yesman’s eye and saw the look of horror on the other faces of the FU officers.

“You two done?” Yesman said with his brow raised.

Like two scolded children they both tucked their chins in and looked down simultaneously saying yes and turning their attention back to the great political head of $IN.

“Please continue” Yesman turned to Intoccible.

“Ah yes, thank you. I would like to thank our generous hosts. For inviting us to their splendid home. We appreciate the opportunity to meet you and your team and we hope to learn more about you. We know and trust that this relationship between $IN and FU will be a lasting and fruitful one, in which we can all reap from the benefits of working together, side by side.” Intoccible paused and looked to Vixenblood as though telling him with her eyes that is was his turn to speak.

“Yea! We can’t wait to go kill U5E with you guys!” Vixenblood blurted out.

Warfish could not conceal the smile that filled her face from ear to ear. She received an incoming transmission from the one of officers of U5E. She rose and whispered in Yesman’s ear a few short sentences. He nodded his head and she left the room.

“CONQUEROR, I would like you to work with $IN to lead the take-over”. I have some other matters I need to attend to. He stood up and bowed his head to Intoccible out of respect and then turned to his team.

“Make me proud”. He left the room to meet Warfish in the hallway where she waited for him.

“Hey, so what the deal with BU?” MUSU from U5E made contact with me. He wants time to migrate his team. I know these guys… from some past gamboling tournaments…” She paused and looked out the station window. “Damn the view is beautiful. Anyways – what should I tell them?”

“They haven’t made any effort to contact me. I am more interested in working on our partnership with $IN”. Yesman said in a calm and matter of fact demeanor.

“But not BU?” She asked inquisitively as she tilted her head and leaned in for the answer.

“After the U5E war…maybe you can help me with that. I’ll schedule a meeting to introduce you to BkuD and aCa. They are… eccentric.” He grabbed his face with his hands and began to rub his eyes.

“You look like shit. You should go get some sleep. I got this and CONQUEROR is going to handle the take-over. You need your rest. We need you to be on the top of your game right now”. Yesman nodded and began to walk to his quarters. He fell back on his bed without lifting the covers and began to fall into a deep and much needed sleep.

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