His breath fogged the cold station window as he lost himself in the thoughts of what steps he would take next. Yesman had come a long way since the galaxies collided in violent and abrupt war. He remembered the black holes suddenly appearing and the worm holes that sucked each galaxy into a new unchartered territory. A chaotic frenzy unleashed various human races that all stemmed from different alliances to be crammed into one mutual space. He looked out into the vast space as he recalled the disturbing nightmare he had. His memory was a bit hazy with the exact details, but he remembered a blue flashing light and being in pain. After spending about 5 minutes trying to recall the familiar face that was looking down on him in the nightmare…he decided he had used up enough of his mental time share and didn’t want to waste another second.

He messaged CONQUEROR (his most trusted right-hand man) 30 minutes prior and anticipated his arrival as he pondered the next steps he would take. CONQUEROR always had a way of keeping him sane.

CONQUEROR entered the room in a swift pace, paused for a moment then began to speak.

“I’ve made contacts with the alliance known as $IN. They seem like strong ally and I think we should consider the possibility of working with them.”

Yesman turned around and leaned his head against the wall as he looked up.

“You think?”

“I know so”. CONQUEROR had a steady confidence to his tone that reassured Yesman. He always knew the right word to say to set Yesmans worried mind at ease. “Furthermore – we have another opportunity to ally with BU. I haven’t really had enough time to look into their team… but it is worth considering. A threat grows to our east known as U5E. The officers think it’s prudent we exterminate them with a strong ally like $IN. Doing so, we can gain a strong foot hold of the Northern lands.”

Yesman nodded his head in approval. He couldn’t believe how fast it all had happened. But he knew he had to be strong. The endless amount of meetings he had been attending were starting to take a toll on him.

“I’m going to send a transmission to $IN and let their leadership know we are interested. We can take out the U5E threat together and build some trust”. CONQUEROR turned to leave the room but felt compelled to ask what was on his mind as he stood in the doorway.

“Have you heard from her?”

“Not yet.”

CONQUEROR nodded his head in acceptance and left to send a transmission to the $IN leadership accepting their offer to become allies.

The brilliance of brightest star had shown a myriad of colors which Yesman was vexed by. He had sent a transmission to Warfish a month ago and hadn’t heard from her. She was always a fickle girl but when she arrived – she was dedicated to the cause. Yesman never feared what he didn’t understand and was sensible and proactive leader who thought many steps ahead. Never married to his own ideas, he would always consult the different departments of his team and make an executive decision for the betterment of them. Since the great galactic collision – he had barely slept. He pulled out an old treasured vaporizer and inhaled the flavor. He let it sit in his mouth as he closed his eyes, then slowly exhaled the cloud.

“Knock knock bitches!”

A coy grin sat on Warfish’s face as she stood in the doorway poking her head in as though the vape had summoned her.

“Oh… I guess just one bitch” She said as her head jerked back and forth looking for CONQUEROR.

Yesman raised his brows but couldn’t hide the smile that grew on his face.

“Who are you calling bitch?”

“Well I guess I thought I caught a wiff of Shadowjacks cologne in here…but clearly he is gone…” Her smiled vanished quickly and grew into serious concern. “What do you need? And how fast do you need it?”

“You’ve been gone awhile… Let me catch you up to speed and we can go from there”. Yesman grabbed the file and walked to sit with Warfish to discuss the recent diplomatic happenings of their new galaxy. Just as the both were about to sit – she got up quickly and grabbed the nearest bottle of whiskey to pour them a glass. She sat and sipped her whiskey as Yesman began to explain the territory and review the potential problems they might run into.

“You need to get rid of this one.” She said it in such a matter of fact way but Yesman slightly pulled back and tilted his head.

“Yeah, THIS ONE. These guys, they are a fucking problem bro. I don’t know. We need to train them or kill them or whatever. I’ll do it. Happily!” Warfish’s aggression was not the most orthodox component to her. It was the fact that she always had a calm demeanor even when discussing the execution of entire alliances that would terrify people. In fact, she was known to discuss the collapse of nations with a smile on her face and outrageous laughter that filled the room.

They sat and drank whiskey as she explained the potential problematic border skirmishes between BU and FU. Yesman breathed a sigh of relief and worry. It was of the highest priority that Yesman kept FU a safe alliance in this new galaxy. They prepared for war against U5E and now he considered the possibility that BU might be problematic. In the middle of their chat, he received a transmission from CONQUEROR stating that $IN had announced their full dedication to alliance ship with FU and was making a public service announcement.

“We raid U5E, and we figure out what to do with BU”. Yesman put down his glass and continued to stare out the station window.

“Beautiful and treacherous. Space is fucking crazy and we need to be on the top of our god damn game!” Warfish grabbed the last of her whiskey and took her shot. She stood up and left the room with a subtle laughter.

Yesman began to send a transmission to the leadership of $IN. He leaned back in his chair and sipped his Whiskey as he stared out into the beauty of the galaxy. He knew it would be a long road ahead. But he was ready. More ready than he had ever been.

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