Hundreds of fleets were lined up near the tear in galactic space. The 24 hours had melted quickly away as every alliance in Tyrfing had prepared for the dangerous battle of entering the black hole. Each team braced themselves for what lie beyond. Many strong armed forces had joined *U* of Unity to create a strong unified team that would rush to core as soon as the hole opened. Secondary tier teams were made to help keep each layer of the hole open. According to Shadowjacks calculations, there would be 3 layers of portals that fleets had to rush through to finally meet the core. Once they were in the core – they would have 6 hours to set up a rigged gadget that would force a massive explosion and send everyone back home, sealing the tear behind them.

Everyone placed the time on their clocks awaiting for the tear to let loose. Yesman and CONQUEROR rode their fleets on the front line ensuring everyone was set in formation. Hueputaloo offered to lead the secondary team in BU that would keep the 2nd layer free of harm. Team work was essential if everyone was to survive this unforeseen danger.

Shadowjack sent a galaxy wide transmission.

“The hole is going to rip free in about 5 minutes! Everyone prepare your biggest fleet! We only have one shot at this, so let’s make sure it counts!” Shadows voice echoed across every single fleet that was lined up ready to fight and die for Tyrfing.

Yesman messaged CONQUORER privately.

Have you seen Warfish? She is supposed to be here…

CONQUORER responded with a quick transmission.

I saw her give Redrum to Phoenixis yesterday… I haven’t seen her since.

Yesman had grown concerned of Warfish’s habitual use of Redrum. It wasn’t like her to miss a fight. Shadowjack sent a countdown timer to everyone.

“The hole is going to open in 5….4…..3….2….” Suddenly a spark of light grew big in space and a massive hole began to suck everyone close by inside. Just as Shadow had suspected, there were hundreds of foreign beings rushing to the core. They had no idea who these beings were or what they were. But they knew they had one shot and nothing could get in their way.

Yesman charged in with his fleets straight to the core at hyper speed. The officers of FU followed suit valiantly aside him. Flashes of great waves of gold shot through space at a speed that had never been seen before. One after one until a mass had formed near the core. Shadow began to analyze the core. He looked for a weak spot where he could begin the set up of his contraption. CONQOURER got on comms and sent a voice command to Hueputaloo and told him to send the second wave.

Hueputaloo began his entry to the secondary portal.

“WE RIDE TOGETHER! WE DIE TOGETHER!” A group followed Hueputaloo into the secondary portal hastily. Vankessel was just about enter in but got slammed by a foreign vessel.

“We have company!!! Enemy fire! I repeat enemy fire!” Vankessels panicked voice sent a portion of the BU team into a frenzy. Hueputaloo turned his fleet around and launched a kinetic blast so forceful, the target vaporized into space without a trace.

“FOLLOW CLOSELY! DO NOT BE AFRAID. HUEPUTALOO SHOWS THE WAY!” The team began to gather themselves. Their formation had lost its synchronization. Shadowjack did a sonic test wave to see how many fleets lie beyond the portal where BU guarded.

 “GUYS!!!! We have a problem”. Shadow sent a picture of a heat map to CONQ and Yesman revealing an army that doubled the size of BU. “They aren’t going to be able to block it for long… not unless… we have a third team to guard the outer portal… We don’t have much time!”

The enemy fleets began to form near the outer edge. BU held their portal, but the tension was rising. Numbers in their strength were diminishing as the enemy rapidly grew stronger.

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