Her eyes suddenly opened and Warfish rose out of her bed barely catching her breath.

“Fuck…” She muttered… She grabbed the tablet next to her bed.


Realizing the hour, Warfish jumped out of bed and got on comms in the FU station.


She ran across station and pressed a code opening a door to the guest quarters.

“Phoenixis! Get dressed! It’s go time!”

Phoenix slowly awoke and held his head in pain. Warfish had partied the night before with a group of FU members and the leader of $FC. A little too much vapor and redrum mixed with some potent cocktails was a recipe for her to miss her alarm. In less than 30 minutes she had a small (and slightly hungover) team ready by their fleets.

“Stoney! SpaceX! Phoenixis! Here… last sniff and we are good to go” She divvied out the last of the stash with her group. They whiffed what was left and had a shot of redrum to get them up and on their feet. “Where’s BROWNIE? Is there anyone else??? Is this it??!!” Everyone looked around the loading dock, she had a small gathering of fleet with a few commanders to help lead the battle to outer edge. “Get in your fleets – I’m going to be right back!”

She ran down the station again but this time, she was beelining for Shadowjacks quarters. She pressed a few codes on his door to no avail. Finally she pressed her wrist guard and aimed it at Shadows code lock. The blast opened the door. She ran to his closet and shoved the clothes aside and saw the lab keypad.

What’s your code Shadow… what the fuck is your code….

Warfish began to press a series of numbers.


She tried to the shoot the door the same way but the blast shot her back into the wall. A voice appeared.

“Daddy…is that you?”

“Daddy? What the fuck…no, its Warfish and Shadowjack is in trouble!”

“Please give the correct access code”.

“There’s no time for the access code! I need to access the top secret project he’s been working on.. what was the name… Project E-something.. project Enol… ENOLC!! PROJECT ENOLC!”

“Project database found. But I need a correct access code for valid entry”.

 “Well can you give me a fucking hint! His life is at stake here!!!” She couldn’t believe she was begging this AI for a clue.

“Very well. How old is Daddy?”

Warfish thought for a second. It couldn’t be… She smirked and pressed the numbers.


The door opened and she began to search around.

“Can you get me access to project Enolc. I need you to open access on the loading dock then send Shadow a remote-control panel.”

“Project ENOLC engaged”.

Warfish sprinted back to the loading dock and into her fleet.


She opened the loading dock and the FU army sped after her one by one.

“SpaceX, Stoney, we are going to guard this entry way point! Initiate formation 696969. We are going to take some heat so be alert and stay in contact. Phoenixis – can you make contact with your team? Find out their status!”

“You got it boss!” SpaceX veered to the left and Stoney to the right while she shot straight forward. They placed a cloaking device on their fleet so it had appeared as though they had vanished.

Warfish shot into the outer portal where the army had begun to build up. She sent a voice transmission to Unity.

“Unity command, this is Warfish, I repeat this is Warfish entering the outer rim of the galactic tear!” Yesman and CONQUORER had been sitting in the midst of the core while Shadowjack frantically built the contraption.

“Warfish! You made it!” CONQUORER’s voice lifted her spirits.

Warfish continued, “Listen, I’m sorry I’m late…”

“You’re here…and that’s all that matters.” Yesman sounded calm but she could still sense the urgency of time. “Shadowjack has been building but I need to send out a heat map of the wave of the army that’s near the portal you are going into. Warfish… BU…they are stuck in the secondary portal.”

“I have Phoneixis with me, he is making contact to find out their status. We can’t get a hold of them. None of our transmissions seem to be going through…” Warfish saw the outer ring. The army building on  the outskirts looked massive compared to her and Phoenixis.

“Warfish? Is that you?” Shadowjack sounded both relieved and worried. “Fashionably late I see? Did you see the picture Yesman sent you? You guys don’t have enough strength to withstand what you’re up against…”

“I know…that’s why I brought ENOLC with me... Your girlfriend should have sent you remote access”. ENOLC was a massive cloned army Shadowjack had been building in case of emergencies. He had briefly told Warfish about it. The clones had the ability to be controlled by one host.

“Warfish… you’re a fucking genius”. Shadowjack instructed the rest of Unity on how to finish their set up.

“Hey guys! Its Phoenixis! I got word from Hueputaloo. They are pinned between the portals and they said the army is encroaching. If we don’t do something soon, they will all die!”. Phoenixis couldn’t bare the thought of his team dying without the ability to do anything. He didn’t fully understand what their formation was but he knew that Warfish had led many battles.

A transmission that was barely audible had finally made its way to Yesman from Vankessel.

“Mayday mayday! Enemy fi…re… We….can-not..hold much… long….er”.  The desperation in Vankessel’s voice sent chills the team of Unity.

Warfish sent a voice transmission to her platoon of FU.  “Guys, we are going in – I am going to shoot straight – Phoneixis you fly just shy of 2 seconds behind me – we want my ships to tank and take the damage. Stoney, SpaceX…you there?”

“What’s up Fish?” SpaceX responded.

“Are you guys ready?” Warfish’s fleets flew idle and visible. Her hands began to shake. She could see a sheer line of the army they there about to face.

“Yea boss! We gotchu! Cloaked up n’ shit, lets 69 these mother fuckers!” Stoney exhaled a giant puff of vapor.

“I’m ready on your mark Fish!” SpaceX and Stoney were cloaked and unable to be seen by enemy fleets on each side of Warfish.

In the distance she saw a giant explosion of a BU fleet. The armies mass wave had begun its entry but she shot her fleet and sent a sonic soundwave. The unknown enemy army halted their entry way to the secondary portal.


Warfish’s silver fleet flew in a straight line (with Phonexis all gold right on her tail) heading straight towards a massive army. The army appeared confused.

“Wait for it!!! Wait for it!!! Shadow are you ready?” Warfish could barely take the speed at which her fleet flew. The second grew closer. Shadow prepared to unleash project ENOLC.

“FIRE!!!” Warfish screamed as she released a kinetic blast that stunned the main commander’s enemy fleet. Their members entered their battle laughing at the puny size of Warfish. A giant force of fleets uncloaked behind her and shot into the battle. Shadowjacks cloned army had an untold amount of numbers evening the odds. Phonexis slammed in seconds after bring in heavy damage.

“69 69 69!” She called out.

Suddenly two large fleets from each side of the battle began to catch stragglers off guard. Stoney flew in a spiral pattern and shot out missile blasters. “Looks like I’m not the only one whose smokin’!”

SpaceX caught another fleet then recloaked dived under and uncloaked again forcing a laser beam slicing his opponents’ fleets in half. “WOOHOOO!! Warfish! You holding up ok?”

Warfish, Phoneixis, SpaceX, Stony and clone army had a giant cross fire.

“Shadow how much more time do you need?” CONQUORER ran a few quick calculations. He knew Fish was brazen – but he could clearly see she was still slightly outnumbered. “SHADOW!!! HOW MUCH TIME!”

“I need at least 54 more minutes!!!” Shadow was almost finished with the contraption that would seal the core of the white hole but time was running out.


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