“Yesman…. Its not enough. I’m going in.” CONQUORER knew he had no choice but to fly back through the secondary portal past BU and into the battle. CONQUORER’s fleets shot at a speed so great – a golden flash shot straight passed the members in BU moving their fleets backward from the force.

Warfish’s fleets weren’t going to hold much longer.

“Hey guys… this might be it… It’s been an honor! I’ve set the secondary clone tank to take the second wave of damage which should buy you enough time!”

“Fish! We aren’t going anywhere!” SpaceX determination was undeniable. “I volunteer as second tank”.

“ME 3rd!” Stoney began to slightly chuckle.

The debris from her fleets began to fly off. Her health status was incredibly low. The alarms in her fleets began to go off.

Shield Damage 40%...Shield Damage 57%... Shield Damage 89%

They were burning her up. She closed her eyes knowing that her armor was next to go. She opened and saw a flash of gold.

“You didn’t think you’d get to have all the fun did you Fish?” CONQUORER slammed into the enemy fleet warding off a massive blow. Another wave of enemy fleets was heading towards them.

“My shields are down. I need to jump out and press my emergency shield. Can you cover my ass bro?” She pressed her armor mask and open her fleet window then climbed to the back of her fleet. Shots fired around her but Stoney, SpaceX and CONQUORER fought them off. She began to press a repair but it wouldn’t work. She pressed again.

She looked up to see a fleet heading right towards her when Phoenixis came blasting in slamming it out of the way in the nick of time. She punched the repair button and finally her fleet repair got reset.

“I’m back up!” She jumped back in her fleet and prepared to tank again with CONQUORER and Phoenixis by her side. Stony and SpaceX continued to catch stragglers and the clone army was set to engage.

A second battle engaged the fleets. Hueputaloo could see from a distance the great battle that would determine their server’s survival was about to commence. He began to lead BU into the fight.

“Shadow how much more time?!” Yesman could see they were close.

“3 more minutes!!” Shadow was desperately working as fast as he could. He knew time was of the essence.

With FU and BU entering their fleets into a battle from either side, they began to simultaneously trigger missiles. The enemy was cornered but sending reinforcements. Shots were fired left and right until a massive explosion shot out from the core. The white hole had vanished sucking the fleets in an infinite portal with an unknown destination.

“I DID IT!!!!” Shadowjack triggered his contraption which began to seal the hole. The portals began to close.

“Warfish NOW!!! You need to get out of there!!!!” Shadowjack sent a voice transmission to her then pressed a code to the ENOLC army activating the gadgets that he had suited the entire Tyrfing galaxy to transport them once the hole was sealed.

Shots could no longer be fired as the force pulled the fleets deeper into the black hole.

“TRIGGER YOUR TELEPORATION DEVICES!” Both the FU and BU armies were teleported back to Tyrfing as the slice in their galaxy sealed. The fleets of all FU and the leadership of Tyrfing was transported back to the FU main space station. The loading dock was riddled with many warriors who couldn’t believe what had just happened. Warfish opened the loading dock space window and everyone stared out to see the galactic rip seal. A small explosion let out as everyone stared in silence. As the members of leadership began to look to one another, they began to cheer and the members of their alliances cheered in unison. Warfish looked among the crowd and saw CONQUORER and Yesman.

“I think I’m going to lay off the Redrum for a little…” She smiled humbly and looked down.

Yesman smiled at her and gave her a hug. She looked at him with concern.

“Whats wrong?” Yesman looked puzzled.

“Its just… when I was in battle. I saw something familiar. I don’t know. it was probably nothing…But isn’t it weird that this rip just randomly happened? Our galaxy collided with all these other galaxies… with people just like us? It doesn’t make any sense…” Warfish looked like she had seen a ghost. This was not going to be the last time they had a battle of such epic proportions. And she knew that if they were going to survive, they would have to change their mode of operation going forward.


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