He walked down the station hall as he anticipated an agreement on land expansion. DonGon had his mind full with all the possibilities. He knew getting into a deal with Ragefish was tricky business. But he believed her experience and unique personality made her a clear candidate as an ally. Unsure of what would come next, he walked in a slower pace than he had been used too. He entered an exquisite banquet room where he saw Ragefish sitting with a beautiful bottle of chilled champagne ready for them.

“What’s up slut?” Ragefish said with a coy smile. He felt slightly embarrassed for getting carried away with the drinks. He smiled and sat down.

“Hello beautiful” Dongon was lost for words as he admired the lavish surroundings. She poured them both a hefty glass of champagne then passed it to him as she raised hers to the air.

He held the glass like a crutch.

“Well Don. I think we need to celebrate!” She smiled as she pushed her glass towards his, inviting them to link glasses in comradery. He gave her the cheers she was waiting for.

“And what are we celebrating?” DonGon said in an incredulous tone.

“To a long lasting and fruitful relationship. I was excited to hear your take on LEF. They have been quite the thorn in my side. I recently acquired one of their previous members, Manhunter. He divulged some interesting intel to me.” DonGon nodded his head as he listened attentively.

“We have a council meeting with the rest of the board of leaders in about 30 minutes. Would you care to eat? I had my finest chefs whip us up some delightful cuisine”. They dined in peace until Redrum burst into the room.

“FISH! The meeting is about to begin! Are you almost done? I need to brief you on a few things!” He saw Don sitting there and looked back at Rage with wide eyes. “Oh, hi Don. Anyways are you ready? Did you get the meeting notes I sent you? Are you drinking champagne right now??”

“I’m ready, ready your notes and yes its Don Perigon, would you like a glass?” She started to get up.

“Bring the bottle, lets go, lets go, lets go!” He rushed out and both Don and Ragefish followed him to their meeting room. They graphics screens of the other leaders were pulled up and the officers of DM were seated waiting for the meeting to start. Leatherface looked slightly irritated but Rage walked over to him and started rubbing his shoulders as she began to address the leaders.

“The meeting of the council is called to order to discuss the treasonous acts of LEF. You see my man, Leatherface here is tense? And do you know why that is?”

Fish finished rubbing his shoulders and sat down. Before the leader of LEF could muster one word – Ragefish continued, “It seems that LEF has decided to withhold on a trade deal and not share the boosts of the covenant over takings. My men were counting on these boosts and we as a council have maintained order by communicating and honoring our word. Furthermore, after withholding important boosts – Finehawke had the audacity to request that we give away 2 systems and help them obtain more land by allowing them to cross our borders into no mans land…” She stopped and pursed her lips then squinted her eyes and she shot a look of daggers at Finehawke.

“Excuse me Ragefish… we as a council must do what is best for the whole galaxy. And those 2 systems could benefit LEF which would in turn benefit everyone. Clearly, there is a misunderstanding here!” Finehawke seemed on edge. DonGon looked over to Finhawke and raised his brows amused at his excuses. Ragefish leaned in to the table and brought her elbows to the table. She smiled as she laced her fingers, and placed them on under chin.

“There is NO misunderstanding here. But since we are talking about “misunderstandings”, lets be clear about something. The only way you are going to get your greedy little fingers on OUR land…is by going to war. And face it…” She grabbed the bottle of champagne, leaned back in her chair and took a swig. “…we both know that’s never going to happen, because you don’t have the balls”.

Everyone in the council room let out a burst of laughter. DonGon could barely withhold the grin from his face but tried to cover it with a clenched fist.

“HOW DARE YOU!!!!” Finehawke began but was quickly interrupted.

“No HOW dare YOU! I hear by motion that LEF is no longer considered an ally. They are to be killed ON site in our lands. Should LEF be so brazen to fly in DM – they will get a taste of redrum”. Her officers began to bang the table with the hands in unison. Ragefish pointed her hand at Finehawke like a gun then pressed her thumb down as if she was pulling an imaginary trigger.

“Meeting adjourned”. Ragefish closed the comm screens and turned to DonGon. “Lars, bring more champagne for the officers. Leatherface – we can talk later”.

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