DonGon had messaged Ragefish back letting her know he had been busy with a large banquet he was to hold in honor of his newest purchase, O^R. DonGon was quite the business man who made a fortune on mass land development.

*RAGE! I would love to meet with you for drinks, but I am busy here with the celebration of our expansion! Would you care to join us? I will send my driver to pick you up! Just give me coordinates*

Ragefish read the message with a smile. She knew Don as a guy of fine taste. He wouldn’t be caught dead in any dive bars she was accustomed to visiting. She sorted through her garments and found a very sultry dress and wore some of the finest jewelry she had. She knew any event Don had invited her to, was going to be a grandiose production. Redrum saw her on the way to loading dock where Don’s transportation was to arrive.

“Well hot damn Fish!” Redrum couldn’t bear to withhold the big smile as he saw Ragefish all dolled up and ready to leave.

She smiled then rolled her eyes, “well just spit it out then..” Redrum was very dear to her. She was particularly fond of his eccentric worrisome personality. She would never forget the day that he had found her. She often had dreams of it.

“Nothing… all I am saying, is that you look nice. Who is the lucky fellow? And what time are you planning to be back, because we have a lot to cover in the morning. And I also need your help with..”

“Wait, wait… I am just meeting with DonGon because there are a few things we need to discuss. Its absolutely, 100%, NOT a date.” Ragefish looked at Redrum with a little uncertainty. That specific *oh fuck, is this kind of a date?* look.

“*RIGHTTTT*, anyways. We need YOU to back here in the morning, by 8am sharp! In tip – top – shape…in the morning!!! Are we clear?” He tilted his head with a stern, serious, father like glare. Something in the look on his face compelled Ragefish to give him a hug.

“Yes Red. You know how much I love meetings.” She smiled and continued walking in her clingy gown and high strapped heals.

“WAIT! I have something for you!” Redrum pointed his index finger at her as he ran to his quarters then came back in what seemed to be the flash of two seconds. He pulled out a beautiful fur coat. “It’s what the ancients used to wear… you know…to like…big events or whatever. It was *seen* as a status symbol. Something that demonstrated power… anyways, I always found it confusing but I think, maybe you’d…I don’t know.. it would look good”. He held it out for her as she put it on. It was a perfect fit.

She smiled at him then continued walking to the loading dock where her grand transportation awaited her. She walked up the ramp into the fleet that was to take her to DonGon. She turned to look back and could see that Redrum and few officers were watching her leave. She felt mildly embarrassed. She was not one to dress up for any occasion, but she wanted to look presentable in their territory discussion. Besides, this was absolutely, 100% NOT A DATE.

The driver flew her to the new lands of O^R in which DonGon had recently purchased. The fleet landed and she got off the aircraft and was escorted to a great banquet hall full of entertainment, full catering and luxury. She saw DonGon heartily laughing. She approached their high-top table.

“Nice to meet you, congratulations on your recent expansion”. She smiled genuinely impressed in his expansion efforts. DonGon took her hand and gave it a kiss.

“Follow me my darling” He excused himself from the rest of the group and they walked towards a private dining hall.

*Fuck…where the fuck….are we going? Oh my god. Was Red right? Is this a fucking date?!?!* Ragefish was uncertain but followed him with calm composure.

They entered a beautiful private dining room with a table set for two. They sat and before she could utter a word, he had his staff pouring her a glass of fine red wine.

“I hear you like wine? This bottle is one of the finest we have”. Don smiled at her as the waiter filled her glass.

“Thank you…” She felt mildly uncomfortable realizing this was a private dinner and having dressed so fancy. But she never came unprepared to events. She grabbed the bottle of wine and took a large gulp and set it down.

“Yes, I like wine. But I was thinking we would be enjoying something….much…..stronger)))” She slammed a bottle of exquisite whiskey on the table. She motioned the waiter to grab two shot glasses. Once she had the glasses, she poured them each a shot. They had some wild conversation and laughed back and forth. She could see that Don was slightly drunk.

“So, my dear, what do you think about LEF?” She smiled at him.

“I believe that we should push LEF out. If this is to happen – you can be certain… we will be there, by your side” He was grinning from ear to ear. Ragefish had stood up then sat against the table they were at as she looked down at him from her vantage point.

“You think this is wise for the council?” She inquired.

“LEF….they are cowards” Don had begun to slur his words. “Besides, I love you sluts” Don could not see that she was clearly much less intoxicated than he was the time. She and him had a few more rounds but she remembered the words of Redrum, in the back of her head.

*home early in the morning…lots of meetings*

She dismissed herself from the table, headed towards the departure dock and left on a fleet towards home as she received a transmission from her officer Leatherface.

*Rage!!! I am furious! I see we have a new member added to our alliance! WHO IS HE! Manhunter was known as a problematic player of LEF and I banished him!”

She got on comms and messaged Leatherface back. “Leatherface, you are to accept Manhunter back to the alliance IMMEDIATELY. Should you fail to comply, there WILL be consequences”.

She flew back to DM territory with interesting news. She was unaware of R+Ls disdain for LEF. She arrived home safely.

As she walked down the station corridors, she spoke into her wrist guard.

“Lars, send a transmission to Redrum, let him know, I got home safely”.

The AI of the DM station sent a transmission to Redrum and Ragefish climbed into her bed. She began to ponder the sequence of events. She thought it would be prudent to invite DonGon for an event they would be hosting in the near future. She slowly drifted to sleep, without concern of the meeting she was to attend early in the morning.