The DEAD MEN were always quick to respond when a member of their own was hit. Redrum set up protocol for these types of circumstances. Any attack on a DM officer was surefire way to declare war against the DM alliance. Ragefish aggressively walked down the station hallway with her officers following behind in her in V-formation. Redrum was hurriedly walking next to her while he reviewed his tablet reviewing some territory charts. As they walked Ragefish started commencing war command.

“Redrum, send me coordinates of every major outpost in LEF territory”. She had the looked of death fill her eyes as she bolted straight for the loading dock.

Red began furiously typing in his tablet and he was partially walking and partially running to keep up his pace.

“Sending the coordinates now Fish! ” The officers behind quickly followed as they passed around their Redrum drink.

“Leather, send out an alliance wide mail, contact SavageDave, Manhunter and Rafeedmefood. I want these recruits on the front lines!”

“Sending a transmission now Fish! I ordered more Redrum to the loading dock” The team’s armor slowly began to glow as they fused with the nanobots.

Without moving her gaze forward, Ragefish continued, “Yepman, I need you to send a message to BravoCastle and have him meet me in my office as soon as we get to the loading dock”.

Yepman nodded and sent the transmission off.

“Redrum thanks for the territory shots, everyone place your visors on so we can go over the defense sectors” They continued walking hastily forward as they placed their visor’s on.

“Sector defense is most important in these locations. If we see a LEF ship enter our space, I want to see us light these mother fuckers up. Everyone copy?”

Everyone yelled in unison “REDRUM”.

They entered the loading dock and without a moment to waste, Ragefish pointed to Redrum forward to the podium as Leatherface and Yepman dispersed to help Fish with the other tasks she had given while they hurriedly prepared for war. While walking, she swiped a bottle of Redrum near the entrance to the loading dock bar, then darted straight towards her office where BravoCastle was seated. She shut the door and he stood up and nodded his head to her. She slammed a bottle on the table.

“Drink this. I have a mission for you”. He quickly obliged and they both began to speak back and forth. Ragefish believed in a multitude of commanders to help lead war efforts. She considered it to be strong team building.

“I am going to be stationed here on the side lines – you are going to be leading this war front. Do you copy?” She looked intently at BravoCastle. He and his men from BA had been excellent new recruits. She was curious to see how they would fair in the massive battle that was to come.

“Fish. I will DIE for the team”. She smirked at his loyalty, excited to see their successful merge come to fruition.

She took as swig of the redrum then pulled up a graphic screen over the table they stood over. “Yepman has specific instructions to assist you after a few other initial tasks are completed. Him and I are going to be tag teaming the southern borders and I loaded a full defense module into our database. Our alliance AI, Lars, should be embedded into your armor and has specific access codes for you to visualize any team plays we have to protect our borders. I need YOU, to lead the warfront. I am now appointing you in command.”

She pressed a few buttons on the graphic screen to pull up a ranking system in which she increased BravoCastle’s access.

*Enter access code H-0-T-5-H-A-R-K*

BravoCastle’s armor was glowing a brilliant red which suddenly changed to unique orange/gold color. As members of the team increased in rank, their nano bots changed slightly in color so the team would recognize them as the commanding officer.

“I understand Rage. You can count on me” BravoCastle could feel the surge of electrical excitement as the nanobots filled his brain with all kinds of top-secret information. The euphoria was overwhelming. She grabbed his shoulder and looked him in the eyes.

“The team can count on you, its go time.” She kicked her door open with her left foot and found all her men on the loading dock fully geared up and on redrum. Their visors all glowed dark red in anticipation for their war mongering. Everyone had unique weapons to their personalities that they were practicing with.

She looked over and saw Noetheck smoking a joint. She pressed the right side of her visor to run an analytical scan on him.

“Noetheck, come here.” With a calm attitude, he casually strolled over while he flicked his joint aside.

*Lars, pull up the territory screen*

They all turned to view it, she looked at Noetheck. “What do you see from our defense borders?” He slowly studied the land as he rubbed his chin with his index finger and thumb.

“Fish, we need to increase security in the Gantfalis system. We could place gravitational tanks in these two points”. She entered another access code which increased his rank.

BravoCastle, Ragefish and Noetheck turned around. The 2 men followed her to the podium where Redrum was uploading information from his tablet. Redrum grabbed her shoulder with one hand and she placed her hand on his opposite side. They brought their foreheads together as a tradition. Then he looked at her in the eyes and he placed his visor on and walked out of the loading dock to the council meeting room.

“Attention Dead Men,” Every member in DM stopped practicing with the weapons as they turned their attention to BravoCastle, Notheck and Ragefish

 She spoke over the intercom as the team listened intently to her calm inviting voice. The nanobots fused with her would change her voice with a slightly robotic tone.

“Our commander Imp has healed to full extent. AK47 was not as fortunate. He required extensive surgery. We bow our head in silence for the losses he suffered.” Everyone bowed their head, suddenly the nanobots began glowing bright blue reregistering AK47 into their database. The extensive surgery required Ak47 to become slightly cybernetic. Both him and Imp walked into the room. “Welcome Imp and our renewed member MURDER-INC (formerly Ak47)”. Everyone began to cheer as their officers entered the room. MURDER-INC had half off his face and body fused with permanent armor.

“Today, LEF has decided to give us their territory. We thank them for their generosity. She turned to BravoCastle and Noetheck. “Please follow your leading defense commander, BravoCastle and your new security systems officer, Noetheck, for the duration of this war. They will be assisting leadership in our swift overtaking of LEF while I attend a few meetings. We have an hour before the war begins.” She pointed at SavageDave in the crowd. Everyone turned to look at him and he pointed at him self as he looked around to confirm she was directing her next sentence towards him.

“Savage…you’re in charge of the pre-party”. Everyone lifted SavageDave on their shoulders as he got pushed to the podium. He began to play loud music as he grabbed a bottle of redrum and popped the cork off like champagne then began to spray everyone in the crowd. Ragefish left the room and headed towards the council of leaders as she could hear SavageDave yelling in the background.

“Whisky is risky! But we are dead!! Time to shoot LEF in the head!” She smiled. Savage was such a heathen in war time. She paused before she continued walking away to hear their festivities.

Savage stood on top of the podium and grabbed the old school intercom mic that hung from the ceiling. “When I said DEAD, you said MEN!”





Everyone banged their heads to music and aggressively began to a mosh pit to build up their testosterone.