On her way to the room, Ragefish received a message from DonGon that she forwarded to her officers.

*Hello beautiful. I heard LEF attacked your men. I have notified the team. I will not be as present as I have some business trade deals that require my full attention. I am appointing a new head of R+L who will work with VIC as one. They will be observing your battle. Wish you the best of luck*

Yepman and Leatherface sat in the council of leaders. This was no drill. Leatherface and Yepman had already called in the leaders of the other alliances and pulled up their graphic screens. Albator and Finehawke seemed on edge. Finehawke attempted to poorly defend the actions of their team. The war had been declared but they had discussed a potential ceasefire.

“If your ‘leader’ didn’t want to share the territory we had inquired about, she could have just said no. The attacks in your lands were to be OURS. Say… where is this leader of yours? Is she going to bother to show up?” He turned to Albator with a coy smile as they snickered together in hushed laughter.

Leatherface forcefully responded, “I’m here and now LEF has attacked twice. We have done nothing to them. Your peace agreement is for shit”. He was sitting back relaxed in his chair with arms crossed.

Redrum burst in the door with the aggression of the entire army.

“FUCK YOU MOTHER FUCKING LYING PIECES OF SHIT!” Redrum could not contain himself. He pointed at the LEF leadership, “I have no tolerance for lying pieces of shit like you!!!! You are going to pay for your fuckery!”

Yepman and Leatherface looked at Red riled up. Hamstor stood up with his hands forward asking him to back down and sit down.

“I asked you all to be peaceful.. can’t we just talk for a sec…” Hamstorr was cut off by Redrum who had grabbed the chair he was supposed to sit at and threw it behind him in fury.

“I REJECT YOUR PEACE! I am going to BURN EVERYONE of these mother fucks down to the ground! I will not ever trust these snake bastards again I will never make a fucking agreement with these motherfuckers again fuck them!!!”

The council was silent for a few moments. Suddenly Albator loaded a transmission for everyone to see. The excitement got the best of her.

“Attention everyone…I would like to show you, for everyone here to witness treachery of DM! The reason we have not honored a ceasefire is because we have intel that shows they were never going to honor such an agreement!”

Everyone reviewed the transmission from within the team as Ragefish walked calmly in the room. She looked at Redrum who was still standing and asked him to sit.

“NO, I WILL NOT FUCKING SIT DOWN FISH! THEY PLANETED A FUCKING SPY IN OUR GOD DAMN TEAM!!!!” Reds nanobots were electric. He had never glowed this bright before.

Ragefish remained standing with her hands behind her back. She read over the transmission then smiled. She looked at Leatherface and nodded. She greeted the leadership and smiled at Hamstorr who seemed unbelievably nervous.

She turned her attention to Albator.

“Albator, you think we weren’t aware of this spy in our team? You really are a bunch of fools”. She motioned her hand in and two DM guards brought in the LEF spy and threw him to his knees next to Fish. He had been severely beaten and remained there shaking and whimpering.

 “Look we already established that LEF’s attack was a poorly thought out move, but it’s hardly surprising. OG would like to remain neutral at this time” Bandobras, the leader of OG had spoken up.

Albator could not conceal the look of horror on her face as she saw one of her men on his knees before Ragefish. “Do you see what monsters they are! Savages! They are all savages! How can anyone think they would be a good…” The sound of Ragefish’s gunshot stopped her.

Blood splattered everywhere as the LEF spy fell over.

Albator stood up aghast at what she had witnessed.

Ragefish blew the smoke away from her gun and re-holstered it.

“It seems that LEF is going to give us the honor of a bounty of resources on this day. For the attempts to steal our space, plot an attack on our officers, overthrow DM command and just overall just piss me off…. We are going to see this war through and you’re going to wish you had never crossed THE DEAD MEN”. Ragefish sat down as she looked over at Hamstorr. He couldn’t tell if she was angry with him or at the war in general.

Yepman, Leatherface and Redrum stood over the limp body of the LEF spy and drew out their guns. They began to shoot in unison over and over and over….