BravoCastle had prepared the army. The DM festivities were over. Masses of fleets had arrived on the borders between LEF and DM. Ragefish messaged BravoCastle to see his status.

“I am uploading Yepman, Redman and my coordinates for your records. Is everyone ready?”

Noetheck had assembled a unit to build defense tanks on their most exposed border. The team had been in building in over drive. BravoCastle responded, “Yes Fish. Lets do this.”

Suddenly a warp portal appeared, LEF fleets began to enter DM space. Rafeedmefood caught a straggler to the side. A few of the DM soldiers asked if OG or anyone would be helping the war efforts.

Gloryhole sent a transmission to the team. “We must rely on ourselves! FOR OUR TEAM AND FOR OUR HONOR!”

“Guys incoming! To the left!” Manhunter saw Rafeedmefood launching an initial blast and sped over using a cannon which incinerated the enemy. The LEF army seemed unnerved. They had never seen these kinds of tactics before. Captadama saw a few more enter the system. He sent out a wave of blasts like a laser machine gun as he yelled.


Fleet after fleet sent through the warp speed but were by split off and destroyed one by one. The panic began to spread over LEF. Finehawke motioned two officers to send another launch of assaults. He had never been known as a leader to join in the battles. He received a message from Albator.

“Fin!!! They are too strong! It’s a blood bath! We are all dying!!! We need to retreat!” Finehawke scoffed. How could LEF be losing to an alliance like DM???? LEF was far superior in strength. He replied to her in a frustrated tone.

“Send in MORE MEN! That’s an order!”

BravoCastle messaged Ragefish as she and two others stationed themselves preparing for an attack she intercepted by hacking their alliance transmission system.

“Hey fish…we have a problem” Glory and the others noticed DrStrage heading straight into the warp portal.

“What the fuck is he doing!” Ragefish was flabbergasted. She opened up a view point of his fleet. She couldn’t help but think to herself.

*Not Strage again!!!!*

BravoCastle continued, “He sent a message to the team here and said he was going in…literally just went in… We are all in shock.”

She had Lars connect her voice communicator to DrStrage so he could hear her voice in his spacecraft as he began warping.

“Strage!! What the fuck are you doing! You must follow your god damn war commander! I see another member has followed you to their doom! You better fucking retreat RIGHT NOW!”

Strage got sucked into the other side and arrived to LEF space. What was left of LEF began to fire missiles. Ragefish put on a command to overtake his fleet.

*For fucks sake, I said retreat god damn it!*

She warped DrStrage back home to the loading dock and placed a war restriction on his personnel.

“Awe fish! Please! Let me at them! I want to help, I want to fight!” DrStrage had tried to unlock his fleets but they were not accessible.

“When you learn how to work with the team, you get to fight! Now go have a drink at the bar. You can watch the fight.”

Suddenly the two LEF officers began to warp into the southern borders. Ragefish, Yepman and Redrum had been anticipating their sneak attack and ambushed them. BravoCastle commenced the team to pick up and salvage and debris for their team. The waves of the attacks from LEF began to slow. They didn’t have much left and Ragefish began to send transmissions to the officers for the assault on their home planet. Ragefish sent a message to Yepman with a tactical plan that Lars had created by using all the nano bots observations collectively.

“We are going for the jugular. I am going to fly towards the post where their army awaits. I want you to invade their home planet. The invasion will commence shortly once I fly towards the post where the remaining LEF force is stationed”.

Finehawke had been in his home planet with the citizens of LEF. He sat in his throne and began to feel his nerves.
“FIN! Ragefish has entered our systems! We might be able to kill her!” His momentary joy was soon crushed as he received another transmission.

“Sir…there has been a breach. Full scale… they are landing their fleets in our system as we speak….” One LEF officer message to Fin.

Fin staggered, “Well…don’t just sit there… do SOMETHING! Where are our forces! Where is our army! Our protection!”

“You sent our whole force to the outer borders sir. We have no protection here….” Finehawke looked outside of the grand LEF headquarters. Their planet was quite beautiful, and they had a very lavish and ornate style architecture.

His other officer messaged him, “Ragefish has disappeared sir…shes’s no where to be seen!” Ragefish had warped back to her main station and walked over the bar to sit with DrStrage.

Finehawke looked as the sky began to pour rain and thousands of dark black DM fleets with subtle glowing red components flew in. The citizens of LEF began to scurry in panic.

Yepman came on an intercom, “You have 5 minutes to evacuate the territory of LEF”.

Yepman sent a signal to the team and their fleets circled the Headquarters which had a beam shooting the sky that communicated with the outposts. Finehawke stood on one of the most upper levels balcony as he helplessly watched.

“On my command…3….2….” Yepman cracked his knuckles. He felt like he had seen similar architecture in a dream… it all seemed distantly familiar, “1. FIRE!”

Waves of kinetic blasts started to shoot from the DM fleets. Manhunter shot in a final missile.

“Hasta la vista fuckers!” Finhawke ran to an escape pod and shot off into distant space in the nick of time. The missile crumbled the bottom structure of the HQ and began to shatter the entire building. Debris and rubble flew everywhere as the beautiful headquarter tower slowly toppled to the ground. The beam of light ceased to shoot out the power shield from the top of the tower which exposed the entire territory. Redrum programmed drones to begin building over the territory.

The rest of the outer DM soldiers fleets raided the former LEF space and removed the remains of the LEF alliance. Redrum noticed OG drones enter the land as they began to build in the newly vacated space.

Ragefish and DrStrage sat in the loading dock. She ordered a beer then gave him a cheers.

“Wow…that was…mind blowing.” DrStrage drank his drink nervously but tried to break the awkward silence.

She turned to him with a dead serious expression.

“Pride is an easy target to kill…” She smiled in the corner of her mouth. “If you ever pull the shit you did back there again…you’re next”.