Ragefish had been seated near Yepmans side. Leatherface had cleaned and tended to his wound but the trauma was still clearly present. Yepman seemed to phase in and out of consciousness. Some of the glowing blue nano bots seemed to enter his blood stream when his wound was open. His eyes would slightly vibrate a glowing blue as he tried to look up at Ragefish.

“We can’t keep him here like this! He could die Leather!” Ragefish stood up in a frantic panic. The glowing blue cybernetic figure, formerly known as Leatherface, turned towards her.

“I am not Leatherface. I am Furlingus. Warfish… there is much you do not understand. Yesman is meant to return home. I need you to understand this is not real.” The voice was audibly more robotic than the last time she had heard it. The being before her was less and less human with each second.

“I’m NOT Warfish!!! And this IS real!!! I don’t know what happened Leather…but you need to let me get some medical help!” Furlingus began to slowly walk away when Ragefish stood up in a complete and total angst. She began to scream as she banged on the glass walls, “What do you want!!!?? WHAT DO YOU FUCKING WANT!?”. She paused, she realized she was using much of the current air supply in the room. Yepman began to seize violently on the floor.

Ragefish stopped and turned him to his side. The 30 seconds of convulsions seemed like an eternity to Ragefish but she remained as calm as possible. Finally, his body became motionless. She couldn’t feel a pulse. She looked at Leatherface in desperation through the glass wall.

“Tell what I need to do to get him some help! I’ll do anything!” He looked at her then looked over at the corner of the room. There was one bottle of the bluerum he had been drinking.

“You must drink some of the bluerum on that table. Once you do this, I will give you the medical supplies you need”. Ragefish looked at the bluerum then back at Yepman. She didn’t have much time if she was to get the adrenaline shot she needed from Leatherface to wake Yepman up. She dashed to the bottle and gulped a massive swig. The bluerum was much more intense compared to the redrum they drank before war time. It felt like a swarm of angry nanobots swirled down her throat in a frenzy. The swing was not large enough for her to feel the full effect – but her eyes began to slightly glow blue. She looked at him but could feel the surge of electricity flow through her like a potent drug.

“Give me the shot!” Ragefish began to slightly gag at the taste of the concoction she had just drank. Furlingus placed an adrenaline shot in a small glass contamination doorway. He pressed a sealed button on the outside which opened the door on her end. She grabbed the shot and jammed it into Yepmans heart.

His eyes shot open furiously blue and chest pulsated off the ground as though a spirit was lifted out of his chest. Suddenly his veins began to glow a vibrant blue. Ragefish looked at the shot. Yepman began to scream in pain as he attempted to open his eyes and mustered all the energy he could to speak.

“What’s going on? What do you need???” She turned to Furlingus/Leatherface….whoever this man claimed to be. “What did you do!? You’ve killed him!”  She held his head as she looked at him muster all the energy he could to speak.

The Lies of Tyrfing…” Yepman began to drift out of consciousness.

“The lies?” What lies? What is Tyrfing!?” She frantically tried to understand what he was saying but he began to seize again. When he finally came to – he opened his eyes – but it was no longer Yepman speaking. The shot Ragefish had injected was a surge of blue nano bots similar to the bluerum concoction. They began to eat away at his brain and replace it. He looked at her as his eyes shone bright.

 “…the rise…is the next destination…the next…” Ragefish began to cry as she looked down at her suffering officer. Every vein in his body began to viciously glow. He was very still and used every last bit of energy he could to whisper a final message to Ragefish before he surrendered into his dark consciousness. She crawled into the corner of the room and brought her knees to her chest and she put her head down feeling utterly helpless. She wept into her arms as she hugged herself. Her wrist guard began to glow.

*Incoming message from Hamstor*

She opened the message as she looked to see the transmission.

*All DM are being evacuated. We are going to get you out of there Fish! Help is on the way!*

She felt dizzy. She tried to stand but her vision was blurry as she swayed back and forth. She fell to the floor. She saw the glass door open and Furlingus enter the room. She tried to get up but couldn’t find the strength. Ragefish drifted into the darkness with the last words of Yepman on her mind.

*See you on the other side*