She began to wake up. Ragefish opened her eyes and saw she was no longer captive in a glass cell but strapped to a chair with her hands behind her back. She began to viciously move her hands to attempt to break free. Furlingus stood behind her. He just finished sending a transmission to the OG team.

“You need to embrace the light. We need you home Warfish.” Suddenly Furlingus began to dissipate into a smaller mass. The nanobots began to activate the bomb on his chest. The timer began its count down for 3 minutes. He sat down as the nanobots consumed every last part of him. The clock was ticking and there was 2 minutes and 36 seconds left.

She struggled to no avail; her wrists were completely stuck. After a multitude of attempts she screamed out, “FUCK!” Her head bowed down as she resigned to die here tied. Suddenly a familiar voice came on the intercom.

*”Ragefish. It’s me, Red”*

“Red??? How can that be you???!! How are you speaking to me through the station?” She looked around but saw no one. His voice sounded robotic. Similar, to how Lars sounded.

*”It’s not important right now. Open your hands wide like a butterfly.”*

She did just so as he began to activate a small laser that cut her wrists free from the bondage. She wriggled out her hands and finally her wrists were free.

*”Follow these instructions exactly. We don’t have much time. There is an emergency escape pod with pre logged coordinates. I’ve uploaded the map to your visor. The blue nano bots are a foreign technology from what I’ve seen. You are going to need to mix a bottle of red and blue rum until we can create a new solution that your mind can ween off otherwise your body will go into shock.”*

 Ragefish put on her visor but began to feel weak. She quickly grabbed a bottle of bluerum and redrum then mixed them as Redrum had instructed. She took a small sip and felt revitalized. She started to see images of Yepman but they had been similar to the dreams she had. She held her head in agony as a flood of memories rushed to her head.

*“Fish! You need to get out of there now!”*

Redrums voice steadied her back to reality. She ran fiercely down the hallway to the nearest escape pod using the coordinates Red had uploaded.

1 minute and 30 seconds left.

She turned the corner and saw the escape pod. She got inside and jammed the door shut then began to strap her body in as she turned on a few switches.

*”Prepare for your take off.. It’s going to be a brutal one. Everyone’s been evacuated.”*

“Red…” Tears began to swell beneath Ragefish’s visor. “He’s gone. Yesman...he’s dead.” Red paused briefly.

*”You mean Yepman? I know. Fish…”*

The escape pod had begun a charge in preparation to fly off in hyper speed to safety.

*”I need you know something. When I found you…there was something I discovered. Something about you and Yepman when we found you…I wanted to tell you…. but I didn’t understand it.”

The escape pod shot off at an incredible speed. A mass array of warning signals began to vibrate throughout the vessel. Ragefish felt a blur of emotion while she attempted to remain calm as the red lights blinded her.

“What was it?? Red? Are you there?” A staticky message came through.

“*I didn’t understand.. but I understand everything now. Ragefish. I knew you were…speeecial when I found you. Look for the ninth nebula. And don’t…. don’t…...” The static became overwhelming. “Don’t trus…trust….Fab’eeeeR..*”

The message cut out but and Ragefish began to cry out.

“Red?? RED! Are you there?? RED!!!!” Her senses became overloaded. Another mass explosion sent her escape pod forcibly forward smashing her head, rendering her unconscious. Her mind fell into the darkness as the vessel floated towards the DM safety farm belt. A massive explosion sent across the DM space nuking all lifeforms. The detonation could be seen from the furthest corners of the galaxy in Aristotle. Everyone in the galaxy could see what was happening. Fires burned through every remaining station and planet leaving the former DEAD MEN territory in ashes. The escape pod arrived safely to the coordinates pre-programmed. Hamstor opened the portal door and saw Ragefish unconscious. She was rushed to the med dock and into intensive surgery. The blue nano bots began to fuse with her body to keep her alive but there was permanent trauma to her internal organs. Their medical doctor told Hamstor her heart was failing, and she needed a transplant.

Unsure of how Red knew this would happen – Hamstor opened a locked box and revealed Red’s surgically removed heart. He intended to keep the promise he made to Red. They began an immediate transplant. Certain parts had to be permanently replaced with DM amour if she was to survive.  

“Whatever it takes!” Hamstor commanded the medical team. The surgery finally ended. The galaxy eagerly awaited to hear the news of the leader of DM. Ragefish was resting. Her body needed time to adjust to the new robotic parts of her. Hamstor sat there by her bedside waiting for her to wake up. The doctors were able to stabilize the blue nano bots but there were a few that became a part of her. They were another side to her personality. The most primal and instinctual side that kept her alive. Her eyes were closed as she laid there in silence and peace. Hamstor stood up and looked out the med dock window as he thought about the future to come. The dawn of a new era would be born. He couldn’t help but shake the feeling of something bigger ahead.