Running Through the Meadow

I’m running through a meadow. The grass reaches my knees. I’ve lost who I am inside. I kiss the gentle breeze. The air it fills my lungs. It’s warmth delivers life. Accordingly, adoringly I lay into the height. I’m consumed by the earth –its grass so course divine. I gaze into the ceiling sky and wonder if I’m fine.

I grasp unto this gripping fear that life won’t live to be. That I will face this loss of self and lose my sense of me. How can I be intertwined to the universes glory? Why is my soul here and what will be my story? A sense of curiosity strikes so deeply down…I wonder if the smiles are worth more than when I frown. I crave to find clarity; a simple breeze that seeks. I close my eyes, I sigh inside as it caresses my cold cheeks.

Seeking, searching wanting, hurting, why is life - I feel? I’ve matured in different ways I’d never know and dream if this is real. Life I thought would be a way and stay the same until I decided so. I’ve learned that this is not the truth, there is so much I don’t know. I hear the voices in my head discover more above. I see the past years shades paint the wind with different love. I yearn and learn and wonder why no one told me that its hard. Why the journey would be so difficult to unravel who you are.

Do I even know myself and would I even care. And would the field matter if I wasn’t lying there? Would life cease to be if our souls were not here. And if the race was not in space would there be meaning in a year. Would hours pace and minutes count and would time even be? Would anyone dream and look into the sky and ponder what they see? Disconcerted, incredulous, my eyes are glassy frozen. I realize the life I’ve lived is made by choices I have chosen. People have warned me and expressed life’s bitter ways. It was I, who lied and tried to hide that meaning is in days.

Each present moment we exist to be much more and the journey that we seek is the one that we look for. The love we crave to obtain by myriads of techniques; forgets that it’s the journey that achieves the goals we seek. Alas the meadows sunrise, appears on shadows cast. I rise above the grassy field and peak to see at last. My eyes are open and fires bright; the sun is in the sky. It doesn’t matter what the answer, as long as you ask why. You question what you do so that you will learn and grow. For love is understood when we enhance what we do know.

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