The Fisher and the Dove

A quaint little town of Chania which was busy as can be

With a harbor of fisherman, that brought fish from in the sea

A warm and sunny port, where many boats were cleated

Clouds surrounded the deep blue sky as the sun was then defeated

Poseidon’s temper flaring, the God of all the seas

Drew the oceans strength, with forceful change of breeze

One fisherman atop his vessel, noticed in the sky

That as the drops of water fell, the waves grew chopped and high

As he rocked back and forth, the cleat kept him secure

As the oceans waves grew feral, he had nothing to fear

He ran up to his bow to ensure his line was strong

A sound that caught the fisherman, let him know something was wrong

His curiosity which turned worse as it the sound grew stranger

His instinct told him a soul was in danger

The port was clear and starboard too, he searched around his boat

Soon he learned, that near the stern, a dove that could not float

The dove that had been flying, was caught off by the wind

It whirled with water as it grew stronger and then it pushed him in

"HELP ME! HELP ME! PLEASE I BEG! I'll pay you back I swear!"

The cries that echoed were ignored by other fishers who didn't care

But this fisher, bold in heart, was braved by this birds cries

For he too had felt the power of the ocean and the sky

Wings flapped horrified, and the dove let one last cry

Hopeless he bowed his head, as he resigned to die

The Grecian water engulfed the bird as he sank beneath the sea

Waters breach, as fingers reached, the man lifted the soul free

Hanging over the boat as he grasped the baby dove

The Fisher determined to save the creature since he was moved by love

Waves crashed and rain was beating, forced fiercely overboard

Gasping for air swallowed by water as the ocean roared Now both the bird and man would have to fight as water whisked

Time was dire as waves grew higher since they were both as risk

Gasping for air, tossed around, as they choked on stormy strife

The fisher tucked the dove in his coat determined to save one life

He reached for the rope beside his boat and pulled with all his strength Determined more than ever since he had gone to such great length

He climbed into his rocking cabin, the bird needed warmth if he was to survive

He sang a song and said be strong, we both will stay alive

He gave a little water, food as he knew best

Desperately, with effort he, cradled the dove to his chest

Just then Poseidon’s family, from Olympus saw the power

Of the brave fisher who saved a life, while other men did cower

The dove became a golden light; transformed and spread in glory

An Eagle appeared before the man, who is known by common story

He is Zeus’s messenger, and good omen’s he does bring,

Appalled by temper, Poseidon should know better, the bird cried up to his king

In a mere flash, the men heard a crash, as lightning struck the ocean

The waves retreated, the Sea God defeated as Zeus settled the commotion

Blessed with a bounty of fish for the rest of his life, as the Olympians began applaud

The Eagle bowed down, returned to his crown, and the man was blessed by the Gods

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