“I’ve called an order to the council amidst our preparation for war. We plan to annihilate the neighboring territory. Should LEF decide to aid our efforts, they could be granted a piece of territory in exchange for their bravado”. Ragefish rose before a round table of the galaxies most well revered leaders. She stood there with a stern yet pensive look on her face. Ragefish had a unique past that turned her into a uniquely intense character. Dressed in a fine thin armor with an untold durability, her hair was pulled back as her eyes surveyed the room.

 “Look gentlemen, I don’t want to play games here. We all know that in a galaxy with such limited resources that only a few alliances will rise to the top. We plan to be one of those. Today is a great day of change for us. After the successful merge of BA into our DM lands – we have been quite pleased to benefit R + L in their expansion efforts”.

The council sat to discuss the motions of UT against DM. It seemed to be unanimous that the council believed DM should overtake UT.

“We appreciate your efforts Ragefish. They are not forgotten my beautiful” DonGon spoke up with a coy smile.

“Then it is decided, DM will overtake UT, with aid of OG should our ally decide they would like to join in this battle”. Ragefish nodded her head to the council. Everyone nodded forward in agreement and the plan was set in motion.

Both Hamstrr and Ragefish left the council chambers and walked to her loading dock as the soldiers prepared for battle.

“Hello team. We meet here today to discuss the expansion of our territory. Our member Glory_Hole was viciously attacked by UT members. We have seen reports that these men decide to scan in OUR lands. Without permission, without compromise. This begs the question; will we…as a team, allow them to do so?!?” Ragefish looked at her officers with intensely filled eyes. She held a serious face. Her arms held behind her back as she looked around.

“FUCK NO!” Savage Dave yelled out. “We are going to beat these mother fuckers DOWN to the GROUND!!!!”

“Preciously.” Ragefish nodded her head while keeping her composure. “I need all officers to rise to the occasion. We prepare for war ahead. We contemplate a potential unity with OG. But we must fight with a vigor! We fight for honor and we fight for expansion of our lands. To our men. No longer will we allow anyone to scan freely among our planets without permission! And we bow to no one! We are the undead. Those who have survived the skip of minds understand what it means to be dead and reborn. So we rise today! Prepare your fleets! For war is upon us!!!!!” Ragefish raised her arms into the air and everyone began to cheer.

Everyone suited up one by one and arranged their fleets. The tradition of Redrum was passed around to all those about to embark on the war efforts. Redrum was a drink the men all took before war. The DM team wore a metallic black armor with reflective properties and built in AI system to monitor their vitals. It was laced with nanobot technology that was activated by the shot. Once they drank the shot of Redrum, the seams in their armor began to glow a bright scarlet red which let them know they had trigged their unique AI system. The thin seams of glowing red vibrated down as the nanobots began to mend into the DNA of whoever wore the armor. The nanobots connected to the brain and shift the behavior into an overly hyperactive aggression. Their primal state made her army a vast array of death machines. Once they were on their redrum, there was no stopping them. They all wore a red visor which worked with the AI enabling them to have unique vision during their high. The heathens ran to their fleets in preparation as the redrum nano technology began to sink in deeper. Everyone was ready on front lines for DM. The war with UT was close to beginning.

UT soldiers had long left their lands allowing the swift force of Ragefish’s army towards their headquarters. Ragefish sent a signal to Redrum and CptSplooge.

“Guys, I’m pulling back to the main station. I have action items I need to take care of. CptSplooge, are you ready for the take over?”

“You got it boss, we’re ready”

Her fleet pulled back into a warp back to the main station. Her fleet pulled in and she walked to officers meeting room.

“Lars pull up the fleet view of CptSplooge and Red”

Lars, their station AI began to open the two vantage points of both Redrum and CptSplooge.

“Pulling up territory view and screens of the requested officers now Ragefish”.

“Thanks Lars and please turn on some Vivaldi or a Concerto or something” She began walking over to the cabinet in the room and opened a box of fine Whiskey. She poured herself a small glass and placed one cube in as she sat down and put her feet on the table leaning back.

CptSplooge began to fly ahead his fellow soldiers and sent out patterns and formations to the team via their graphic touch screen system. Suddenly, she saw DrStrage getting sucked into a gravitational pull out of their mass. She called CptSlooge.

“Hey Splooge, its Rage. I see we have a straggler”

“I’m on it boss. Sending in formation 3-2-2. Alliance member DrStrage – this is CptSplooge, your commanding war officer. Pull back immediately! I repeat, pull back immediately!”

“My fleet breakers aren’t working. The pull is too strong!” DrStage sent out an alert to the team.

CptSlooge sent a formation code and everyone began to initiate fleet formation 3-2-2 to catch up with DrStage. A fleet force of fury flew towards the headquarter system divided and sent in multiple directions.

“HOLD STEADY EVERYONE! SHUT THE FUCK UP AND FOLLOW MY COMMAND!” CptSplooge lead the charge as massive explosions set off a chain reaction to nullify the gravity traps. The traps began to fall one by one.

Fish swirled her glass and took a sip. She sent a voice call to Hamstrr.

“Hey, how’s it going?” Hamstrr? You ready to join me for a drink?” She could tell he was slightly tense.

“Hey Fish. It’s a little chaotic but the traps are going down. You watching the show?” He seemed slightly delighted to find out she had been observing the wreckage.

“You know I wouldn’t miss a chance to watch you play solider among my men” She smirked.

“Different from what I am used to but overall… its working. We are about to take down the HQ” Both Hamstrr and Ragefish had very different ways of leading their teams. She overheard CptSlplooge give command to go in for the headquarters.

“Rage – we are going in hot. This bitch should be down in T-minus 10 minutes” CptSplooge geared forward and everyone followed suit.

“Excellent work Captain. Be sure Red is ready to set up the next Headquarter station for our secondary branch of DM. Have everyone collect all resources and promptly return their fleets and plan to meet back in my office with the rest of the DM leadership.”

One massive blast began to pool up and the red glow of the nano began to shine brilliantly. Everyone began to cheer as the blast let off towards the UT headquarters which dissipated into over a million shards of scrap metal. The blast of the explosion was so great a wave of heat pushed back the army of DM. They began to kill everyone in sight. Any station they saw was burned down.

“And Captain…” She paused as she sent an invitation to DonGon to meet her for a drink in the approaching evening.

“Yes Rage?” He inquired back.

“Leave no survivors”.

She couldn’t help but smile as she sipped her fine whiskey while she watched the various screens of explosions in the background.

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